In the Booth: SŌK Kicks-Off New Video Series

The Chicago-based news outlet The Columbia Chronicle launches their latest video series, “In the Booth”, with SŌK! Seasoned music reporters Kendall Polidori (Managing Editor) and Steven Nunez (Photojournalist) join SŌK in a tiny college practice room to discuss the new EP, the creative process, and recording with Chuck Kawal.

Jonah Nink (bass) said the three songs on the EP, released January 31, were “born out of … certain ideas, lyrics and riffs,” which the band brought together by jamming and experimenting to see what works best with their individual styles and sound. Watch the full interview above and read the full article here.


What’s SŌK Been Up to During the Quarantine?


Snake on the Lake - SŌK Live @ WSUM