2021 wasn’t perfect, but we’d be lying if there weren't any highlights. In fact, there were lots of highlights. Check out some of our favorites below!

1. We played our first show in way too long.

We hit the stage for the first time in what felt like 900 years with an absolute banger of a show on the Subterranean mainstage. Joining us on stage for the first time was the legendary Ania Thomas, who melted dozens of faces with her guitar-shredding abilities. Seriously, we will never financially recover from all the lawsuits. 

The lineup also included the bands SNOOZE, Cut Your Losses, and Disaster Kid; a combination of bands so legendary that it will be spoken of for generations to come. It was an absolute dream to share the stage with these incredible groups and we hope to do it again soon.

Feeling some FOMO? Check out a full review of the show from the lovely SouthSide on the Town here.

2. We graduated.

Alexis, Nick and Cameron graduated from Columbia College in Chicago, and Jonah graduated from wherever the fuck he went, meaning that we’re no longer a band of college students. Instead, we’re now a band of recent college-grads, which is arguably even worse.

Nick made the big move down to Nashville to attend Belmont university (we are very proud of our boy). He’s still collaborating with us remotely on a top secret project (see #4), and we’ll hopefully get together for some summer shows! 

3. “Cling,” “Jawbreaker” and our Debut EP all turned one-year old. 

2021 saw all of our little song babies celebrate their first birthdays. There was cake, presents and SŌK-themed party hats galore. 

“Every Shade of Blue” and “Jawbreaker” hit 2,000 streams on Spotify, which is just incredible. We couldn’t be more thankful for everyone who has jammed out to our tunes this year. It really is humbling.

“Cling” celebrates her birthday December 12th, so there’s still some time to help her reach 1,000 streams before the big day! 

4. We started working on our biggest project yet.

Hey look, it’s the thing I mentioned earlier (see #2)!

This year we began writing and recording our largest project yet. I can’t say much now, but we’re looking to drop it sometime early next year. Otherwise, it’s still top secret for now. 

Is it an album? What else would it be?”

Shut the fuck up, dude!

Listen to us talk about it here.

5. Our merch looks hot and you should buy some please.

We couldn’t attend the Met Gala because Jonah is allergic to valeur fabric, so we weren’t able to give our merch the red carpet debut it deserves. Frankly though, our merch looks so damn fine on its own. 

Sweaters, T-shirts, pins, stickers, forklifts (sold out) - you want merch, we got merch. And we’ve got an exquisite holiday promotion on our store to help you buy said merch. 

Personally I recommend the “Jawbreaker” hoodie because it’s comfy, warm and the face looks like Billy Corgan.   

Visit our store!

And the one thing to look out for in the new year…

1. …is the project I just mentioned.

I didn’t think this through. 

2021 had its ups and downs, but it seems like we’re ending on a high note. Here’s to an even better 2022! 


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